An important aspect of our society is our health status, and as a new, and serious sickness is developing I fint it right to blog about it.
Health officials worldwide rush to contain a spreading swine flu outbreak. As many as 103 deaths in Mexico are thought to have been caused by swine flu.
Historians have always said that a new pandemic like the Spanish Influenza, the black death and SARS will strike our world and kill millions of people sooner or later in the future.
May this disease, the swine flu, be that next pandemic?
The latest news right now (14:23 GMT) is that four persons have been hospitalized in Denmark due to symptoms related to the disease, and one man is being tested in Haugesund.
I'm grateful for living in a priviledged country like Norway in which millions of vaccines have been stored for a situation like this, but I sure hope we never reach the step were our survival depends on them. My thougts go to victims in Mexico and to their families.